May 2, 2013

Lowongan Kerja Nusa Tenggara Barat Mei 2013

Lowongan Kerja Nusa Tenggara Barat Mei 2013 - Lowongan Kerja Mei 2013, update Lowongan Kerja Mei 2013, Lowongan Kerja Di Nusa Tenggara Barat, NTB Mei 2013. Berikut Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Nusa Tenggara Barat Mei 2013 Selengkapnya..

Lowongan Kerja Nusa Tenggara Barat Mei 2013

Hotel Tugu Lombok

Tugu, in Indonesian Malay language, means 'monument'. Whereas the first Tugu in East Java received its name for its location facing the central monument in the downtown colonial-era Malang in East Java, now the Tugu Hotels & Exotic Spas in Bali, Lombok, Blitar and Malang, all stand as monuments of forgotten art, culture and romance of the thousand-years-old Indonesian archipelago. The creation of all of these luxury boutique hotels are forever surrounded by romantic history. The Hotel Tugu Bali, for example, 15 minutes from Seminyak and 10 minutes from Kerobokan and the famous Tanah Lot temple, has been constructed in the serene, magical sunset beach of Canggu, to house a priceless artwork that Tugu's proprietor Anhar Setjadibrata had found at this very same beach, when he was a poor student in the 1960s. Now the homes of the thousands pieces of private Southeast Asian art and antique collection of Anhar, the Tugu Bali, Lombok, Malang, and Blitar, quietly present to the world the real romance of Java, Bali and Lombok

Hotels/restaurants group in Indonesia with career growth opportunity is looking for:

Bakery - Pastry Cook (Lombok)
Lombok (Nusa Tenggara Barat)


  • Male / Female
  • Minimum Diploma
  • High Respobility
  • Have experience in similar field

Please send CV with recent photo, references and expected salary to:

Closing Date:01-06-13


PT Seger Agro Nusantara

PT. Seger Agro Nusantara merupakan perusahaan agrobisnis yang bergerak di bidang trading hasil palawija (Jagung, Kedelai, Soya, Ketan dll) berskala nasional dan memiliki standart yang tinggi dalam penjualan maupun distribusinya, baik dalam maupun luar negeri. Selama 15 tahun perusahaan ini beroperasi, kini kami memiliki kantor cabang yang tersebar di beberapa wilayah Indonesia.

Accounting Staff - Dompu
Nusa Tenggara Barat - Dompu


  • Monitoring GL dan Stock
  • Monitoring Hutang Piutang
  • Monitoring Penjualan
  • Monitoring Biaya
  • Monitoring Tax dan GL
  • Mengelola kas kecil dan kas bank


  • Laki - Laki
  • Usia 21 - 27 tahun
  • Lulusan D1, D3 atau S1 Accounting dengan Ipk minimal 2.90
  • Cakap dalam melakukan laporan keuangan
  • Siap bekerja dengan sistem deadline
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di kawasan Dompu

Kirim Surat lamaran, cv, transkrip nilai dan ijazah maupun foto ukuran 4x6 ke:
email dengan menuliskan accounting pada subjek
(Lamaran paling lambat diterima tanggal 18 Mei 2013)

Closing Date:31-05-13



PT MITRA INTERTRANS FORWARDING as a member of the Meratus Group have many years of professional experience in providing logistics & forwarding service to all major business throughout Indonesia including major mining companies - with over 15 offices in Surabaya, Balikpapan, Batam, Benoa, Banjarmasin, Benete, Sampit, Kumai, Medan, Jakarta, Kupang, Palu, Semarang, Kendari, Makassar, Bitung etc and planning to open more.

Through deploying IT system and empowering a highly qualified and motivated workforce, we believe that people development is best accomplish through continuous challenges in both theoretical and practical application. Our aim is to ensure that each position will fulfill by the right candidates to strengthen our team in the future and to achieve our vision. Now, we are currently seeking good candidates to fulfill the key position in our business.

MIF Management Trainee
Banten, Jakarta Raya, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, Yogyakarta


  • Female / Male, Single Max 28 Years.
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree (S1/D4) Department Logistics / Transportation Management, Engineering (Civil), Engineering (Electrical/Electronic), Engineering (Industrial), Engineering (Mechanical), Engineering (Others).
  • Good English literate.
  • Willing to follow a series of education and training to set a minimum level of Supervisor.
  • Strong personality, Leadership & Communicative.
  • Ready to relocate to all the branches.
  • Only the short listed candidates will be invited to join the selection test

Send your application letter, curriculum vitae, recent photograph, and your salary request

Closing Date:30-05-13


Sekian Informasi "LOWONGAN KERJA NUSA TENGGARA BARAT, NTB" yang dapat kami sampaikan, semoga dapat membantu Anda dalam mencari pekerjaan di Nusa Tenggara Barat dan sekitarnya untuk bulan Mei 2013. Salam sukses...