Perum DAMRI - DAMRI is a reputable state owned (
BUMN) land transportation services company in Indonesia with major business in organize the public transportation services, including urban transport, intercity transportation, airports specialized transportation, freight travel, logistic transport, pioneer transport and cross-border transport. The Company was established in 1946 under the name of Djawatan Angkoetan Motor Repoeblik Indonesia and in 1982 transformed into current name. The Company's head office is located in Jl Matraman Raya 25 East Jakarta and currently operates 4 divison regional offices, located in Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya and Jayapura.
Perum DAMRI also supported by 1 strategic business unit division office in Cakung East Jakarta. Based on Perum DAMRI 1st Semester Financial Report 2012, as of July 2012, the Company achieved Rp42.5 billion as its profit before tax .
To support the business expansion and its organic growth, currently
Perum DAMRI invites the best candidates to join as following positions :
- Administrasi/Supervisor
- Pengemudi untuk Angkutan Karyawan Tambang di Asam-Asam
- Tenaga Montir/Teknik
General Requirements
- Male/Female, with education min SMA or equivalent (1)
- Male, with education min SMA or equivalent (2)
- Male, with education min STM, SMK, SMA or equlivalent (3)
- Have drive license SIM B-1 Umum (2)
- Max age 30 years old (2)
- Max age 25 years old (1, 3)
For further detail information about job requirements, document requirements and how to apply in each positions above, please refer official source from
Perum Damri on following link below. Closing date 31 December 2012. All applications will be treated as strictly confidential. Only qualified candidates that meet with the above requirements would be processed in this recruitment.
Official Source